Master Mechanic Video Repair Training Series Grand Tour
The Master Mechanic Repair Series is video based. Therefore, it is essential that you verify that your web browser can properly display our video training materials before purchasing a subscription. We offer both a “high resolution” and a “low resolution” option for each video. The test video below is EXACTY like the videos in the subscription. Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge web browsers work well with our videos. Just enable the “FLASH” video decoder when prompted. Please verify RIGHT NOW that your computer can play the test video below. Thanks, ~ Bill
If you found your way to this web page you most likely have been looking far and wide for technical information to repair a Ford Powerstroke Diesel Truck. That’s not an easy task since the most widely available technical repair information is Ford’s OEM service manuals. Ford OEM manuals are somewhat useful to Ford service technicians since they have available to them the OEM diagnostic equipment and specialized tools that the Ford service manuals were written around. Unfortunately, Ford’s service manuals are not of much use outside the dealership environment.
My name is Bill Hewitt and I have been working exclusively on Powerstroke Diesel (PSD) trucks for over 15-years. I live in an environment that is “failure rich” with broken Powerstroke trucks. Unlike the Ford Dealership that is typically servicing trucks still under warranty, my customers are almost always high mileage work trucks operated by businesses and fleets. These trucks work for living and the owners depend on them to fulfill their business obligations.
Introducing’s Master Mechanic Video Repair Series…
Imagine yourself working in my shop as a new mechanic. Regardless of your previous experience you would require specialized training to service and repair Powerstroke Diesel’s. Imagine further that we video taped your training step-by-step so you and others could reference the training sessions over and over.
We’ll, I did just that and it’s called the Master Mechanic Video Repair Training Series! The videos are shot in my shop using the same procedures that we have perfected to repair PSD’s. Many of the procedures are highly modified from the Ford service manuals because we learned what works and what doesn’t.
At our shop we guarantee our work so we can’t afford comebacks. Every time a repair fails we dig deeply into the root cause of the failed repair to make sure that we don’t make the same mistake a second time. Not only are the components expensive to repair PSD’s but the labor hours necessary to make many of the repairs is extreme when compared to gasoline or other diesel platforms. Making mistakes as small as the wrong o-ring could cost many man-hours of labor to replace a $1 part.
Our videos follow the step-by-step procedures that we use in our shop. We detail the unknown traps that will cost you big time as well as the numerous tips and tricks that we use to save time and money. The videos also delve heavily into the work-around procedures for Ford’s special tools and how to use alternative solutions to make the repair.
We tell you when it is OK to use Aftermarket parts to save money and when you need to purchase OEM. We also show you how to diagnose your truck and show you how to use alternative diagnostic procedures and diagnostic equipment.
The bottom line is, if you want to work on a PSD with confidence, making sure that you get the repair done right the first time using everyday mechanic tools, then the Master Mechanic Video Repair Training Series is what you are looking for. Take the free tour by clicking on the link below… Then sign-up and get your PSD repaired. ~Bill